As a Member of the Caerusnet Canton team, Evan Raoof is passionate about helping his clients train for the performance of their lives. He helps his clients
understand how to approach fitness in a way they can successfully adopt into their lives to become a meaningful part of their daily living. We had a chance to connect with Evan to learn more about him and get his take on the world of referrals!
How did you get into this field? I have always been into to exercise and truly, exercise saved my life. I was born with a type of Cerebral Palsy that impacts a portion of the right side of my body (leg and arm). When attending summer camp at age nine, I didn’t wear my brace for three months. I was faced with walking the right way or being in a wheelchair. We all have a story that allows us to be who we are. In adversity comes strength and will to create happiness.
How are you different and/or what’s your niche? I love the opportunity to help someone get healthy though fitness. My business has transformed me from being simply a personal trainer to also a lifestyle mindset coach. The truth about weight loss and your life is that it is not actually about weight loss sometimes. It is the relationship with yourself first and to others -family and friends. It’s all connected. At FitLiving Academy, I help clients achieve much more than health. I have recently started implementing weight loss and wellness programs into other health related practices and am excited to create such possibilities to impact more people. This helps be broaden the scope of referrals I can create for our clients in all aspects related to fitness, health and wellness.

Share a success story about why giving referrals/bringing visitors are beneficial to you. The mindset of giving will come back to you 10 x! It took about 8 months to become the “know, like, trust” person and to get a referral from the team – yet that referred client is still paying me monthly. Months later, a Member referred someone who had money saved in a flex spending account without and they invested that with me to start a four-month health program. I value every relationship and take a stand for my clients results Referrals make it easier.
Any tips on learning how to find situations where you can create a referral or invite a visitor? The power is in the Trust Builder Meetings with Caerusnet Members.
As I connect with people I want to help make introductions for, I invite them to visit Caerusnet, where they can meet 25-30 of my powerful referral partners.
What is your approach to positioning yourself as a resource in the community? I want to be known as a resource for all things related to fitness, health, and wellness. Caerusnet
is critical in helping get connected to the right people to help me get the word out.
Tips on how to be successful in Caerusnet? Steve Zyskowski runs a fantastic organization with a lot different teams – each with a unique culture, yet they all speak the same language. Visit each team in your area or territories and expand your network. Treat it like an interview. Because it is! Build relationships based on wanting to help others and serving your customers by being a great referral source. Plan on entertaining and educating. Each Member minute is an opportunity to educate, engage and connect with all Members of the Caerusnet team. Educate your Members in your Member Minute, Spotlight Presentation, and the important Trust Builder Meetings. Wear your sales manager’s hat and help other Members see where and when it’s the right time to refer you.
Click here if you woulf like to connect with Coach Evan!