Testimonials Are The Most Believable Form of Advertising

Would you like to generate referrals for BOTH someone else and yourself?  Start giving testimonials!  It’s surprising how something so simple can have a positive impact on referrals.

Definition of testimonial:  A statement testifying to benefits received.

So, what are the benefits of a testimonial?

  • Rewards and recognizes others for providing good service.
  • Creates credibility , trust and value for an individual and/or their business.
  • Added visibility  for both the person giving and receiving.

What goes into a great testimonial?

  • Make it thoughtful.
  • Be brief and to the point, using simple language.
  • Focus on true-to-life success stories.
  • Focus on positive outcomes (example: solved a problem, saved time and/or money, went above and beyond with expertise in their field and/or outstanding service given).
  • If you can, dollarize, or quantify the results.