Approximately 200 local Michigan small business professionals registered to attend ReferralTopia on Earth Day, April 22, 2021. The event ran from 9AM-3PM on Zoom and was followed up by an in person mixer at Ginopolis Smokehouse in Brighton, attended by approximately 50 networkers. ReferralTopia attendance was attended by approximately 50% Caerusnet Members (past, present and future). The other 50% found out about ReferralTopia due to social sharing. They worked together to plant the seeds of new referral relationships.
The line-up of live speakers at ReferralTopia was second to none. Steven Zyskowski, founder of Caerusnet and creator of ReferralTopia, kicked the day off with an inspiring presentation and gave instructions on how to based tackle the full day of networking. Doug Moffat, owner of The Moffat Group (leadership coaching and defensive insurance specialist, Caerusnet Facilitator in Brighton, Ann Arbor & Detroit), kicked the day off with an amazing presentation about Humble Inquiry. Later in the early afternoon, best selling author and entrepreneur, Lisa Mininni, presented on Human Wiring. The final presenter was best selling author, TedX speaker and Forbes contributing columnist, Stan Phelps. Stan is well known for his best selling Goldfish series of books and his presentation was about “Lagniappe” – doing the extra, little things that add up to a differentiated experience. To watch the replays of these presentations, click here:

In addition to live presenters, the business expo featured 17 expo exhibitors! A diverse group made for great networking. The exhibitors were: Karl Carter, Thunder Bay business consultants; Eloisa Underwood, Perk Pros text message marketing; Brian M Truskowski, transitional life coach; Tom Hamp, Open Book Selling; Clark Keller, Data Driven Marketing; Hassan Hodges, Hassan Hodges Photography; Daedra & Brian Surowiec, Strawesome; James Linenger, Financial Architects; Kristy Scholl, Flagstar Bank; Valerie Kearns, Paychex; Amber Keyes, Keyes To The Kingdom; Charlotte Kaye, Charlotte Kaye decluttering coach; Barbara Zinser, Charles Reinhart Realtors; Mike Ooink, Ap
plied Imaging; Jessica Starks, Transworld business brokers; Kevin McGuire, representing Caerusnet referral teams & Roger Burnett, Social Good Promotions.
After the full day of online networking concluded approximately 50 professionals went to Ginopolis Smokehouse in Brighton to attend the afterglow. All attendees walked away with free 20 oz Caerusnet / ReferralTopia torpedo glasses, compliments of Caerusnet and Social Good Promotions. In addition, Strawesome made awesome Caerusnet glass straws to give away as a keepsake, well.

ReferralTopia took a lot of planning to pull off. There was no format to follow, so, as usual, Caerusnet blazed a new trail. This event would not have been possible without the commitment made by the ReferralTopia planning team: Julie Palmer, JemEvents; Roger Burnett, Social Good Promotions, and Minesh Baxi. Thank you to all who attended and promoted #ReferalTopia2021. We can’t wait to do it again next year! Save the date for ReferralTopia2022: Thursday, April 21 (Earth Day Eve)!