Trisha Turner has been turning heads in Caerusnet. Her energetic and honest presence is felt at every meeting. Until she joined Caerusnet a couple years ago, she didn’t know much about the farming process involved in growing a business by referral. That knowledge has come in handy this year as Trisha launched
Turner Design – a full-service landscape design and installation firm. It’s been great to watch Trisha grow her business by doing right in the community and we had a chance to connect with her to share her story.
How long have you been in your profession? 16 years. I started as a landscape laborer and worked my way up the ranks.
How did you get into this field? From a horticulture elective class taken at Michigan State University my freshman year of college. My parents said that I would ‘find my way’ with the programs available at State and they were right.
What is the best thing about your business/career? I get to play outside! Plus, free vitamin D😊!
How are you different and/or what’s your niche? I am different because I care about the lasting effects of my advice and designs. Right plant, right place is a real thing and I will not propose design solutions that are not realistic for a homeowner to afford or maintain. If you don’t like the color red, there will be no red roses in your design! I want clients to feel they can afford my services, so I offer complete design and installation as well as a la carte services for the do-it-yourselfer.
What is it about the Caerusnet model that you like most? I like that every member truly cares about their reputation and services provided. I know if I refer a client, friend or family member to any member of Caerusnet that they will be taken care of well above my expectations.
Share a success story about why giving referrals/bringing visitors are beneficial to you. I had a client last year that was new to the area. I was able to recommend a doctor to her and a pet sitter (both of which were members of Caerusnet). Experiences with both professionals referred made incredible impacts on her life! She was able to remedy her illness with holistic remedies and get off medication and able to enjoy vacations with her family out of state without worrying about her animals. It felt good when she told me, “Wow Trisha, you are quite the resource!” She was impressed with my network and I was happy to help. Taking care of my clients means more than making sure their landscape is flawless. We are all people with various daily concerns and when I can be more than ‘just your landscaper’ I jump to the chance!

Any tips on learning how to find situations where you can create a referral or invite a visitor? In the beginning I was too pushy, and it pushed people away. I didn’t understand why people were not as excited as I was about joining this referral group that has helped me so much. I realized, during a trust builder with another Caerusnet member, that I have to be more casual in my approach. I network with professionals at least two times a week. I don’t want to invite just any one to this group but people that truly care about their service and their clients. When I come across winners, I spread the word and follow up with an email. I verbally introduce them to Caerusnet and allow them to check out the website themselves. I have found that not all people are comfortable with putting themselves out there. I wasn’t either and was forced by a former boss to attend so I get it. Once you become part of the family, though, it’s hard to not shine!
What is your strategy with your member minute and your spotlight presentation? Talk about ‘hot’ landscape items and myself. People want to work with and purchase from someone they know and trust. By outlining my personal life along with pros and cons of hot topics I feel my message gets across.
What is your approach to positioning yourself as a resource in the community? To genuinely help people. I just so happen to be a landscaper and designer, so I can specifically help people achieve their plant goals! I recently joined the Howell Chamber of Commerce and am already feeling more incorporated in my community by getting to know other businesses and business owners in my neighborhood despite the challenges of networking due to COVID. I want my name out there and I want to refer others so I can be a complete resource for my clients.
Tips on how to be successful in Caerusnet? YOU MUST DO TRUST BUILDERS! One to one meet ups are critical to fully understanding what other members do in their professional and personal life. Both aspects are important to fully understand a person. I try to do one trust builder with everyone in my team once a year atleast and then reach out to a couple of additional Caerusnet members from different groups throughout the year as well. Motivated people seem to find other motivated people so it is not hard to find another member to enjoy a lunch with. Often times one meeting turns into, “ I know someone I think you need to meet!” The rest is history!
Share how your Caerusnet members have positively influenced you or your business besides passing referrals. Members have directed me to extracurricular programs for my toddler (more significant pre-COVID), I was connected with an incredible holistic doctor that has completely changed my daily life for the better and through a presentation in Caerusnet I was introduced to the Yes Network that opened my eyes to entrepreneurism and helped me take the jump into starting my own business.
Do you have a referral success story (passed or received) that you’d like to share? Recently, I met with one of the ambassadors of the Howell Chamber of Commerce. I casually mentioned Caerusnet and she was very interested. Just like myself, she is always looking for incredible people to network with. I sent her an email introducing her to my facilitator and wrote my positive experience with the group and why I think she would benefit. She will be visiting the group next week! That same day, a Caerusnet member called me and referred me to one of his clients for landscape services. He did, what we call a warm referral, and introduced me to her verbally and told her I will call her tomorrow afternoon. With him and I both being Caerusnet members, he KNOWS that I will call her tomorrow afternoon and take wonderful care of his client. What a day?!
Trisha shares a great testimonial here with her Brighton Wednesday 10AM Caerusnet team: