Caerusnet’s 2020 MVPs Receive Awards & Share Wisdom With US

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On January 29th, 2021, Caerusnet Founder, Steven Zyskowski, along with participating Michigan Facilitators, welcomed and recognized the amazing efforts of the collective class of 2020 Caerusnet MVP award winners! This is a must watch for any Caerusnet Member an all passionate networkers in general, as these outstanding MVPs share their collective wisdom on how they leveled-up their referral game.

While most MVPs were able to attend the event, Roger Burnett from Social Good Promotions could not. But here’s what Roger had to say:

“Hi all! I’m participating in Leadership Livingston this year thru Cleary University and our classes are Friday’s from 8:30 to noon, so I’ll have to regretfully bow out of today’s recognition session. I’m very proud to have received this recognition and am offering here my virtual high-fives to all my fellow MVP’s! I was fortunate enough to have gotten a referral in December that led to a quick $9000 order and it appears that client is also going to give us a contract for all of their spend in our category for 2021 and beyond. The referral was the result of me being VERY specific about my ask during our member minutes and the trust I’d been able to build with Mary Beth who provided the referral. Put in the time into investing in your ask and building relationships and the sky’s the limit! I look forward to interacting more with each of you in the days and weeks ahead. Congratulations, MVP’s!”

Pictured:  Proud recipients of MVP awards:

Rachel O’Connor from Massage Livingston, Howell, MI

Michelle Hlywa from Slingshot Designs, Fenton, MI

Wendy Caverly, Caerusnet Connections, receiving the first ever “Essential AF Award” (you guess what the “AF” stands for).

Kevin McGuire, Best New Facilitator of 2020 – Livonia Caerusnet

Thank you again to all of Caerusnet’s MVPs!  You are an inspiration to the entire network and we appreciate all you do.

Finally, if you do business in Michigan or Southern Arizona and you count on local referral relationships to grow your business, then become a Member and let’s refer business together! 1-2-WIN in 2021!