Why YOU Should Become a Caerusnet Facilitator

Are you passionate about networking?

Do you love to help local businesses thrive?

Do you have leadership and presentation skills? If so, becoming a Caerusnet Facilitator is the
perfect opportunity for you! Here are just a few reasons why you should consider becoming a
Caerusnet Facilitator and lead business networking in Michigan!

Fill the Gap in Your Area

Many communities need an established and effective referral network. By becoming a
Caerusnet Facilitator, you can fill this gap. You can create and lead a referral passing team in
your desired area, helping local business professionals and service providers connect and grow.
This benefits your community and positions you as a key player in the local business ecosystem!

Thrive Watching Your Team Grow

There is immense satisfaction in watching a team you’ve built and nurtured thrive. As a
Caerusnet Facilitator, you’ll bring local, referral-focused business professionals together in a
friendly and welcoming environment. Seeing your team members increase their success with
referrals and grow their businesses under your leadership can be incredibly rewarding. You’ll
make a real difference in their professional lives, and their success will be a testament to your
leadership skills.

Become the Go-To Pro in Your Field

Caerusnet teams operate with the principle of one category per business. This means you’ll
be the exclusive representative of your industry within your team. As referrals flow through the
network, your name will be top-of-mind for potential clients seeking your specific services.

A Personal Touch Compared to BNI

Many professionals have found that traditional networking groups, like BNI, can be too
impersonal or rigid for their liking. Caerusnet offers a more personalized approach. Our
Facilitators foster a supportive and engaging atmosphere where genuine relationships can
flourish. Steven Zyskowski, Chief Referral Officer of Caerusnet, emphasizes the importance of a
friendly and welcoming team environment.


Exclusive Benefits for Facilitators

Becoming a Caerusnet Facilitator comes with several exclusive benefits:

  • Get Paid to Facilitate: Members of your team pay you to facilitate the referral passing
    team, with only nominal licensing fees on your end.
  • Exclusive Business Representation: As a Facilitator, you get to exclusively represent
    your business category (e.g., real estate agent) on your team, giving you a competitive
  • Proven System: Use a proven system that has been implemented since 2008, and get
    paid to network, even if you don’t receive a referral immediately!
  • Scalable Success: Start with a single referral team and have the option to add another
    one later to double your referral success.

Who Should Become a Facilitator?

Ideal candidates for becoming a Caerusnet Facilitator include real estate agents, independent
financial advisors, insurance agents, business coaches, and health and wellness professionals.
However, any business person who loves networking and relies on local referrals to grow their
business is eligible! For those exceptionally talented in networking, Caerusnet even offers the
opportunity to make a career as a Chief Referral Officer.

Ready to Take the Next Steps as a Facilitator? | Business Networking in Michigan

Want to learn more about becoming a Caerusnet Facilitator? Complete this form to receive a
FREE Caerusnet Facilitator Self-Assessment. This assessment will help you determine if you’re a
good fit for licensing a Caerusnet referral team and includes more details not provided here.
Want to talk first? Schedule a call with Caerusnet Founder, Steven Zyskowski, by clicking here.

Take charge of Michigan’s Business Networking future and significantly impact your local
business community today!