What does golfing & networking have in common?

1471321_10201379783961977_1247120656_nby Steven Zyskowski

On Friday, August 26th, Caerusnet Members from teams across Michigan gathered at The Jackal at Mt. Brighton for a fun filled day of golf!

Around 20 teams competed in this year’s social scramble which included a light continental breakfast, boxed lunch and a taco dinner afterward (see all pics below).  13625387_1400832123265291_7634745169557696314_nThanks to promoter, Al Smith from Lamocu Productions and a host of energetic volunteers and Members with great spirit, the 2nd annual Caerusnet Golf Outing was a success.  As I saw the golfers take off in their carts that gorgeous, sunny morning and before I left to attend the first ever Caerusnet Friday 10AM Whitmore Lake core team meeting I asked myself the simple question, “How is golfing alike to networking?”  These are the two best answers I came up with …

You have to show up to play the game.  Just like golfing, you can’t win if you don’t show up to play at the regularly scheduled team meetings.  You can’t learn what works if you don’t practice.  Developing a referral mindset where your customers refer you more often and other area professionals start to learn to refer to you isn’t an easy game to master, but one well worth the effort.

You must keep your eyes on the ball.  In golf, if you take your eyes off the ball, you will likely whiff your shot.  In networking, keeping your eyes on the prize of being most referred to is a noble goal that you shouldn’t get distracted from. 14199594_1400833103265193_8809410205187493374_n Focusing on creating good referrals for others is what will allow those good referrals to flow back to you.  Don’t get discouraged if you haven’t gotten a good referral in a little while.  Stay positive.  Keep you eyes on the prize of developing strong referral relationships.  Don’t get distracted by the shiny stuff in marketing even though face-to-face networking isn’t easy.


10481389_785612701460107_3823844851196587027_nWith 50% of all purchasing decisions being made at the recommendation of those we trust, it’s certainly worth it to always provide the best service to our referrals so future referrals keep rolling in (the other 50% of purchasing decisions come from advertising).  Caerusnet was created to help you stay connected to the movers and shakers in your community.

Signature SZ

Golf outing pics:

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