There’s no denying that face-to-face referrals are the best way to get our businesses known. It’s the next step that the prospective client/customer will take that will likely lead them to the internet to see what the business says about itself online. If they can’t find the business card to locate the website address they will simply use their favorite search engine to find it. But what if your business website gets bumped to the second or third page by ads and higher ranked websites? If your business is on the map you will have first page ranking.
If a business serves a local or regional audience it is very important that their business is mapped with Bing and Google. Independent statistics say that 20% of all searches are for local online resources. These are significant sales opportunities for main street businesses.
Businesses without brick and mortar offices (like Caerusnet, BTG, YFS, Caverly, etc.) will also benefit from the mapping. I have a home office but for privacy and security reasons I use a PO Box address. The US postal service allows businesses to use the address of the post office as a physical address. So my business address is 24875 Novi Rd., #1372. This enables BTG to be mapped. When someone is searching for technology in Novi my business will be listed on the Google and Bing maps. This is illustrated in my recent blog article titled “Street Address or PO Box Address”.
How do businesses get on the map? Getting on Google maps is FREE to all businesses and a significant piece of the SEO (search engine optimization) puzzle. Getting on Bing maps is also FREE. The difficulty with this free offer is the time it will take a client to make it happen. This is where I can help. Click below to sign up for BTG Solution’s assistance.
Tami Bethune is a Member of the Brighton Wednesday 8AM team, email: [email protected], website: