Networker Self-Assessment

Networker Self-Assessment by Steven Zyskowski



Whether you are a Member of Caerusnet or not, if you network with other professionals in a referral passing environment, this fast and honest Networker Self-Assessment might help you uncover areas to improve upon.  Improvement may lead to more referrals for you!


Score Yourself: Answer HARDY EVER (1), SOMETIMES (3), ALWAYS (5).

Write the number next to each question and then total the numbers.
1. I arrive at the meetings 5 minutes before they start.
2. I make a habit of of practicing and planning for my Member Minute.
3. I pass at least one warm referral at the weekly meetings, 80% of the time.
4. I present my professional best during the meetings and attend 80% or more of them.
5. I use ‘referral language’ with my clients and have developed a referral mindset.
6. I actively invite visitors to attend the meeting
7. I do a Trust Builder Meeting at least (1 x per month).
8. I carry my the business cards of the other Members with me and am aware of and use the mobile directory.

Score Key

8 Lowest Chance of Success / Right Person?
24 Medium Chance of Success / Increase Output & You’re On Your Way
40 Greatest Chance of Success / Right Person … a referral magnet!

Improve on areas where you have scored 3 and under.
Continue to be consistent in areas you score 4 or more.
It’s called networking because there is work involved!  Let’s have FUN and INCREASE OUR PROFIT!

Looking for ways to improve?  Watch these TOOLBOX videos!