Common Trait #4 Great Teams Have Excellent Leadership

by Steven Zyskowski

Most referral organizations that exist today are “member-ran” organizations. Meaning that the members also run the show. They elect officers from within: presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, secretaries, committee heads, greeters, etc.

The calamity that often exists is that many of these “elected” officers are simply “doing time” and aren’t built to do the job they’ve taken on very well.

They’re serving to “save face”. The result can be a “Leadership Team” absent of real leadership.

If the leadership team in place is genuinely excited and competent, the referral team can move forward and succeed. When a great leadership team transfers duties to a “so/so” leadership team; the entire membership will suffer.

If you are considering joining a member-ran organization, carefully study the leadership skills of the members who currently belong, as they will have a direct impact on the effectiveness, or lack thereof, for the team.