Steve Bebber
Health, Wellness & Nutrition
Weight management & sports nutrition
phone: Show Phone
fax: 734-944-9913
With B.S. & M.S.degrees in Health Promotion & Human Performance & certified as a Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Steve developed his business in the worlds largest & fastest global trend, health & wellness. Steve works with world class products that have independent, third party, certification from NSF Intr., to verify the purity, claims & effectiveness of the product. Clients can get on the cutting edge of good health with high quality products such as nutrition from cert. organic farms, air purification filter system, an effective weight management program and the worlds best water purification system. The main goal is to help people feel better, look better, and enjoy life. To be able to help others develop and grow their businesses, he started facilitating a Caerusnet group in the Saline/Ann Arbor area so the business members had another resource from which they could attract business. Helping others, giving to others, and knowing it will come back to you is the secret to a successful business.